Sabtu, 12 November 2011


  Satu pendekatan lain agak serupa dengan Kam Nontrad dan merpk antisintesis dari Kamtrad adlh Keamanan alternatif.
  Salah satu paradigma Kam alt tsb yg bersifat nontrad adlah Kam manusia (Human Security). Paradigma ini sering diposisikan berpasangan/ senafas dg Kam komprehensif. Sbg pendekatan yg memandang kam tdk semata2 dr perspektif militer namun juga dr aspek nonmil
Beberapa def/konsep human sec
  “ In the wake of these conflicts, a new understanding of the concept of security is evolving. Once synonymous with the defence of territory from external attack, the requirements of security today have come to embrace the protection of communities and individuals from internal violence. The need for a more human-centred approach to security is reinforced by the continuing dangers that weapons of mass destruction, most notably nuclear weapons, pose to humanity: their very name reveals their scope and their intended objective, if they were ever used” (Kofi Annan)
  “Human security refers to the quality of life of the people of a society or polity. Anything which degrades their quality of life-demographic pressures, diminished access to or stock or resources, and so on – is a security threat. Conversely, anything which can upgrade their quality of life – economic growth, improved access to resources, social and political empowerment, and so on – is an enhancement of human security” (Ramesh Thakur, Vice Rector, Peace and Security, UNU)
  “In policy terms, human security is an integrated, sustainable, comprehensive security from fear, conflict, ignorance, poverty, social and cultural deprivation, and hunger, resting upon positive and negative freedoms” (Hans Van Ginkel, Rector UNU and Edward Newman)
  “Human security may be defined as the preservation and protection of the life and dignity of individual human beings, Japan holds the view, as do many other countries, that human security can be ensured only when the individual is confident of a life free of fear and free of want” (Gov of Japan).
  Konsep Comprehensif security disisi lain adlh konsep keamanan yg paling banyak digunakan di Asia Pasifik. Permasl utama dari compre sec adl bahwa kam hrs dimaknai dlm pengertian yg holistik (holistic way) mencakup baik ancaman bersifat mil maupun nonmil.
  Konsep kam manusia yang mengangkat isu2 keamanan yang terfokus pada kepentingan dan kebutuhan dasar manusia menjadi salah satu konsep yg paling sering digunakan dlm interaksi umat manusia saat ini.
  Dlm tataran Ind, pencapaian kam manusia tdk saja libatkan kebijak kamnas dan kebijak LN bilateral, regional maupun multilateral. 

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